Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blog Hop Party With Giveaways!

Quilting Gallery is celebrating their 5th birthday and what a fun way to celebrate with a blog hop and giveaways.  There are tons of giveaways with this blog hop so make sure you check them out here.

Blog Hop Party

We had a wonderful snowy day here in Minnesota so I of course spent it doing some finishing work.  There is nothing like being cozy and warm inside while huge white snowflakes are falling outside.

My first project for today was to take the Angelsong block (number 312) and make it into an ornament for our Christmas tree.  I added the year to it, a 3/4-inch border, quilted it, added a hanging ribbon, stuffed it, and hung it on the tree.  And although I doubt I will ever forget that I made it in 2012, it is always nice to remember the year an ornament was finished, as it seems the older I get the faster the years fly by.

I then decided to quilt my Drop quilt.  This time I did not use my BSR,  I just turned the speed up on my machine so I could quilt the way I have in the past.  It was fun to compare the two as I just quilted a larger quilt using the BSR.  I think for smaller quilts I will definitely not us it as I can get smaller stitches and go fast.  The bigger quilts I think are definitely for the BESR, especially when there is so much more fabric to work with.

Now for the giveaway...I will be giving away the two fat quarter bundles shown above.  One is Parrot Flock and the other Seagull Flock by Thomas Knauer for Andover Fabrics.  After laying these out I was wishing I had purchased another one for me.  To enter the giveaway leave me a comment letting me know what you would work on if you had one entire uninterrupted day to do nothing but work on a project.  Would you piece, quilt, or work on a binding.  Would you applique or embroider something or do something entirely different?  For a second chance, as always, leave me a comment stating you are a follower or a new follower.  This giveaway will be open until Monday, December 15 at 7 p.m.  Happy Stitching!!  --Kristen


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Lisa E said...

I would start my teenage daughter's quilt. The fabrics and pattern are picked out already!

Melissa said...

I would quilt - I'm trying to improve my FMQ skills but haven't had much time because I've been frantically working on Christmas quilts and I don't want to 'experiment' on them since I might not have time to fix the screw ups!

Anonymous said...

If I had the whole day to quilt I would sandwich my Modern Mystery Quilt and start quilting.It is fun to see what others would do

Sis-O said...

Hi Kristen, I am a new follwer. Thank you.

Mother of four said...

I'm a new follower

Sis-O said...

Kristen, if I had an uninterrupted day I would piece a quilt and as soon as I finished I would begin something new. It is my favorite part of the quilting process (along with fabric and pattern choosing). The actual work of finding backing, quilting, binding, I don't consider fun. Thank you.

Joyce Carter said...

WOW! A whole day without anyone bugging me!That would be heavenly. I would use it to do cross-stitch embroidery on a baby quilt that I want to make. Thank you so much for a great giveaway.

Mother of four said...

I would be working on the quilts I need to finish for the children's Christmas Presents.
One is done and dusted, one needs to be bound, one needs to have it's wadding fitted, the quilting and the binding and the last one hasn't even been cut up yet!!!!

So if you could just give me one day without interuption I'd love it x j x

Joyce Carter said...

I am already following you through GFC. Thanks again.

Lyn said...

Thanks very nice giveaway! Thanks for being part of the hop.

Lyn said...

I am a new follower Thanks

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

Thos FQ's would make a beautiful spring quilt!
I have a quilt right now, that I need to finish as a christmas gift for my grand son...and need to do the top FMQ's and asembly...and keep putting it off waiting for a day such as you ask for...all day to do nothing but....I need a day like that FAST!!!!
Thanks for the chance!

Laren said...

I would cut and piece. I think I could get one of the quick technique projects done in a day!!

Lesley said...

Those are great fabrics. If I had a full day, it would be used for piecing a quilt. Thanks for the chance!

Winona said...

I would hand quilt. I haven't had time to do any for about a month now.

Brenda said...

I would work on some more ufo's. I'm trying to finish some of them up!
hulsey at gmail dot com

Brenda said...

I'm a follower!
hulsey at gmail dot com

Nancy M. said...

beautiful fabric. someone is going to be lucky to win this awesome giveaway

Nancy M. said...

i forgot to say what i would do with a free day...finish my grandsons quilt

Deb said...

With an uninterrupted day, I would piece. Quilting requires stretch breaks, and binding I can do in snippets of time. Beautiful fabric!

Michele T said...

I would start cutting and piecing a quilt for my SIL who is turning 50 this coming year!!! Thanks for the chance!!

Michele T said...

I am a follower - thanks for another chance!!

Mommarock said...

I would piece a quilt. I think I would cut the pieces for a new quilt as you go project I would like to work on.

giddy99 said...

If AFTER Christmas (meaning, no Christmas sewing obligations), I would cut and piece a lap quilt from a kit I bought in October! I want to start it so badly, but travel 4 days a week, and weekends have been about sewing Christmas gifts. :)

giddy99 said...

I'm an existing follower; thanks for the chance!

quiltmom anna said...

I am a long time follower and would love to have a day where I would piece to my heart's content. It is a wonderful way to spend the day.
Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabric bundles and for participating in the blog hop.
Regards from Western Canada,

Carolyn said...

If I had a full day with no interruptions I would TRY to finish piecing my Spin Cycle quilt.

OhioLori said...

Wow! A whole day just for myself?? lol I would get busy cttin out a long promised quilt for my daughter....and sew as much as I could, to get it ready to quilt! Yeah..all in one whole day! giggling here.... lol

Thanks for chance to win your Drawing! :)

OhioLori said...

Oh...and I'm already a Follower thru GFC! :)

Thanks again, for chance to win this drawing! :)

Megan said...

I would work on piecing a quilt that is taking me WAY too long! Thanks!

Skooks said...

I would FINALLY quilt my Glow Happy quilt!

Vivian said...

Well I recently had a couple of days all by myself and I embroidered and did handwork. It was fabulous.

When I get to spend the day with a friend though, I can spend the entire day piecing.

So it all depends on whether I have a whole day by myself or with a quilty friend. It makes a difference for me.

Thanks for the chance!

Vivian said...

I am a new follower!

mary mahoo said...

If I had an entire day to sew, I'd start & finish my Tova Tunic by Wiksten. My muslin has been done for months,,,if I could just find the time to make the shirt, I'd be a happy woman. Thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous fabric!

mary mahoo said...

I'm a happy follower!

Madeleine said...

I'd probably choose a new project to try and finish in that day. It would be a fun little adventure!

Debra Lee said...

I would piece for sure!

Debra Lee said...

Old follower here!

Rachelle said...

I would spend the day knitting the shawl I've got on the needles, it's summerweight which I need right now.

Eileen said...

I'm a new follower!

Eileen said...

I would work on a piece that needs stitching added to a large tree to represent bark. I need time to concentrate - and a whole day - what a gift that would be!

Mhairi said...

I would work on an applique quilt that I have been trying to finish for more than a year. So a bit of hand stitching, some patchwork, sewing and lots of ironing and cutting. What a wonderful idea!!

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I would finish 3 cut out totes that have been waiting far too long, some mending, then baste a quilt top...and quilt it too!

karamino said...

I would work on patchwork pillow

karamino said...

already follower)


i am a follower


I have an interest that I will start next year is making Magpie dolls, its like 3D quilting, making mini quilts with dolls that has little trinkets in it.

Bonnie58 said...

I would be quilting - have 3 QS lined up to FM on my home machine and need to get started on them. I somehow manage to keep getting sidetracked with little things like blog hops... Thanks for the opportunity on this wonderful draw and have a very Merry Christmas.

Pam said...

gorgeous fabric I would finish up my grandmas portait i started about 2 years ago

Tamie said...

I would piece all day hoping to have something to show for it at the end of the day. If I were to applique all day, there probably wouldn't be much to show.

Tamie said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for participating in the Blog Hop Giveaway.

Aimee said...

If I had a whole day, I'd be able to finish up quite a few projects that are *that close* to being done.

Aimee said...

GFC follower

BizyStitches said...

Thanks for being part of this fun blog hop. Merry Christmas. I would dig into my ufo's and get a couple done.

BizyStitches said...

Thanks for being part of this fun blog hop. Merry Christmas. I am a follower. THanks

Katie said...

I'd make a few skirts for my daughter!

Tammy said...

an entire uninterupted day. That would be heaven. I would definitely finsh up some UFO's and maybe start a crazy quilt out of a bunch of upcycled scraps I got from my Moms alteration shop.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Ahh - a whole day? I would probably catch up with my WiP pile which is HUGE but to finish a quilt would be a nice thought :) Fab giveaway! I met Thomas Knauer in person so this would be a great giveaway to win :)

Carla G said...

I'd probably piece a new quilt or experiment with free motion quilting on a quilt that I have the top already pieced on. It would be a toss-up or maybe I'd work on both. I love your quilt! :) Thanks for a chance to win!

Carla G said...

I'm already a follower via gfc! :)

Anya said...

I would try to finish quilting all of my quilt tops! Thanks for the chance for the great giveaway!

CaroleM said...

If I had a day I would work on the mug rugs I am making for teachers and such, and then also on my December FMQ challenge piece :)

Lou said...

I am a new follower

Lou said...

I liked you on Facebook:)

Lou said...

If I had a full day to do anything I want?????
I would either start something brand new or just finish up a bunch of UFO's:)

Alison V. said...

I would hand quilt all day on a quilt for my boyfriend!

Maria Kievit said...

Love the giveaway that you have. I would love to spend it behind the computer actually, just catching up on blogs, tutorials, emails and fb. Thanks for the giveaway.

Nancy Sue said...

I think I would spend it machine quilting some UFO's. Having a 5 yr old son, I forgot what uninterrupted means. I am ok with being interrupted when I am piecing on the maching or hand quilting, but free motion machine quilting still takes all my undivided attention. Thus the UFO's. It will all work out thoug :)

Nancy Sue said...

I am a follower :)

Kathy said...

I need a day to work on things for my daughters new home

Jodi - usairdoll said...

What gorgeous fabrics, both lines are yummy! I have several UFO's and it would be wonderful to have a whole day to work a few hours on each one.

Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


Jodi - usairdoll said...

I'm a new follower via GFC.

Thanks again for a chance to win.


janequiltsslowly said...

I would work on quilting a quilt that my dear sister-in-law started for her grandson, but handed off to me to finish. If I had to pick one bundle it wold be the yellow colors.

Unknown said...

I need to finish a quilt by finishing the sewing threads off from my machine quilting. Thank you
Narelle Green

Patricia said...

I'd play on my design wall with the tumbler quilts I've cut out.

Thearica said...

Hey Santa! This is a fantastic giveaway! LOVE that fabric!

If I had a full day just to sew, I would work on my 6" churn dash blocks. My Granny Ida loved the pattern and now so do I. There are going to be close to 250 blocks in my quilt when it is finished! I have a longgggg way to go! :)

Thearica said...

I follow your blog! :)

Merry Christmas Santa!

Debora K said...

A whole day? I'd probably make a small lap quilt. audiodropzone(at)gmail(dot)com

Jane's Quilting said...

I have just designed a quilt that would be perfect for these fabrics. I will have a little applique throughout.

Jane's Quilting said...

I am a follower

Rina Mason said...

With an entire day I would cut everything needed for three quilts I want to make. That way I could just sit down and sew without distractions.

Rina Mason said...

I am a new follower thanks to finding you on the hop.

Myself said...

I'm already your follower via GFC :)

Myself said...

If I had all day- I would strat cutting in the evening because as I know myself- it will take me a whole day just to choose the fabrics :) Thanks for the great givaway!

Anonymous said...

Definitely piecing-- I have a big queen size quilt with wonky log cabins to get through....

Anonymous said...

and a new follower too!

Unknown said...

If I had a whole day I would try to make something I could finish in the day, like a mini quilt or embroidery.
saruqa at gmail dot com
thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

and I am a follower!
saruqa at gmail dot com

Dresden Quilter said...

If I had a whole day I would work on piecing a quilt.

Lyndsey said...

If I had a totally free day I would cut out the fabric for a quilt I want to make for my friend. That done and safely organised so no bits go missing I would start piecing it together.

Sheila said...

A whole day of uninterrupted studio time? I would plan a new quilt, choose fabrics from my stash, and sew, sew, sew!........thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

love the fabric could find lots to do with it

Anonymous said...

If I had one day with no interruptions, I would pick out some fabrics for a new quilt.

Vicki W said...

I will have that day Sunday and will spend part of it piecing to finish a top and part starting to quilt a quilt that my Mom made.

Anonymous said...

Whole days have been known to be swallowed up re-organising the workroom so...on "this" day I would avoid that particular time trap and get some serious piecing done on a quilt, all cut out and ready to go...which would be a big help! Appetising picture of fabric you have posted today..lovely colours, thank-you:)

Beth said...

I would finish my Super Mario Brothers quilt!

Beth said...

I'm a new follower via GFC

Betsy said...

I would work on the embroidery blocks for a Christmas quilt I am designing. It will be 80x80 and requires much of my time. Thank you for the chance. Check out my giveaway too.

Betsy said...

I am a new follower

Sue said...

I would probably cut out a new quilt...taking my time to do everything right. Usually I have to hurry and sometimes it shows!

Sue said...

I am a follower.

MC said...

I would baste some quilt tops so I could finally get on to quilting them!

Penny said...

I already frequently get full days to work on stuff {some would say I'm lucky, sometimes I don't think I am}. I usually work on smaller things, mug rugs, paper piecing blocks [which I am still learning}, watching craftsy sewing/quilting classes, etc

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower - love your blog -- Thanks for the super giveaway.

Anonymous said...

If I could have a whole day to play without interuptions - would work on the Florabunda that has been patiently waiting for months to get completed.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Cassandra said...

What a fun giveaway! I would start selecting and cutting fabrics for a new quilt. :) Thanks for the chance to win and Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

I am already follower from Italy. hugs Alessandra

Unknown said...

I love log cabin. hugs Alessandra

skelly said...

I would finish a quilt that a friend started for me but was not able to finish it because of sickness.

Teresa F. said...

I would spend the day free motion quilting my big quilt.

Nanbon44 said...

I would work on piecing my charity quilts... hubby is pretty good and stays away from the sewing room when I am working...

Rhonda D. said...

I would finish hand quilting aproject I have been working on.


Rhonda D. said...

I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win!


Fleurette said...

I have several tops that need to be quilted.

Fleurette said...

I am a follower.

Julie said...

I would work on cutting & piecing.

Julie said...

I'm a new follower!

vicki said...

I would work on my hexies. thanks and merry christmas.

vicki said...

new follower via GFC.

Camille said...

A whole day? Oh my. I'd finish the 3726384 projects I have going on. I say that, but I'd probably turn around and start a new one.

Deb said...

I love binding because it means all the quilting is done and there's almost a finished quilt to show for all the work!

Karyn said...

I'm a new follower

Karyn said...

A whole day to do what I want?? I'd piece. I have things that need to be done before Christmas, and each day just ticks by and my machine doesn't even get turned on :(

Julie Fukuda said...

If I had a whole day, I would spend it hand quilting on the very large quilt I am making now. The quicker I finish, the sooner I can begin something new and my brain is full of new ideas to try.

joyce said...

I am a follower.

joyce said...

I would work on my flannel rag quilt. I would really like to finish it.

nicolesender said...

I'd pick up a quilt top that is not finished if the weather was rainy. If the sun is out I would be in my flower garden the whole day.

nicolesender said...

gfc follower: nicolesender

Kay said...

Thank you for such a lovely giveaway. I would like to do something that I could complete in a day like a pair of dresden cushions.

Kay said...

I am a new follower too, thanks for the giveaway.

Abby said...

I'd love to peice my Hexie quilt or just make book covers. Anything that crosses something off the to do list.

Michele said...

An entire uninterrupted day? That unfortunately would be impossible im my world since I have 2 young kidlets. Anyway if that wish were to come true, I'd work on piecing one of the new quilt patterns that I am designing. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mary Marcotte said...

What a wonderful day that would be! I'd start a new project. I love long, uninterrupted days of quilting for starting something new. I like the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.

Mary Marcotte said...

I was already a follower but now I'm on G+, I'm following you that way also. Thanks for participating in the blog hop party!

cyndiofthevortex said...

A whole day for quilting? Does that include someone feeding me lunch and dinner? I'd finish up an Africans coins quilt

Angie T said...

i would cut the sashing for the king size quilt I'm making and try to get the top finished

Angie T said...

Just became a follower

Richard Healey said...

I want to learn paper piecing so I would sit down and make something in my day.

Margaret said...

I would definitely start piecing another quilt

Margaret said...

I am a new follower

Dolores Quilts said...

I am a new follower. This fabric is very pretty; thanks for the chance to win

Jeneta said...

Oh I would FMQ some quilt tops that have been waiting FOREVER!

legato1958 said...

I would paper piece a new wall hanging!

Thanks for the giveaway chance!

legato1958 said...

I am a new follower

Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Anonymous said...

I need to rework our wedding quilt. The backing was ripped and the stuffing bunched up (it was only tied). I tore it apart because the top was still beautiful but it needs to be put back together. Thanks for the chance to win!

Katina said...

Lovely fabric; the two colorways are awesome. If I had a day to play I would make a Quilt As You Go quilt. I've seen them done in several different ways and have a different way I want to experiment with!

Katina said...

I'm a new follower!

Karrie said...

I'm already a follower

Karrie said...

I would start piecing and keep going until I got tired. Hopefully I would get the top done!

Betteem said...

I need to finish a quilt today.

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