I started a little over a week ago with my dehoarding of my sewing room. It all began when my husband said he would make the sewing center we had purchased the plans for in 1997, and he finally had the time to make it. I've had dreams about this thing, anxiously awaiting the day that my sewing machine finally fit into its own cabinet and the fabric would flow across the top freely, no dangling, pulling, tugging while working on large quilt tops, or wobbling of the sewing machine when I maybe got going too fast. I decided that since I was going to have this beautiful object in my sewing room, I should be cleaning out and organizing. What I did not realize is how much a person can stuff into two closets. :)

I have found projects that I had completely forgotten about, ones that I am so excited about making I almost stopped folding/organizing/decluttering and started working on them. This is not all of it, it is just one half of one closet. The problem I am having now is how exactly to organize it all.
My husband did make some modifications to the plans (like making the drawers to my specifications so my thread could stand up in the drawers). Tomorrow is the big day it will enter the sewing room. I can hardly wait to start filling the drawers with sewing treasures, the only problem...I'm not sure I can wait to do a little sewing.
This may be a good time to start doing a stash report again seeing as I have enough fabric to keep me busy for a while. I donated some fabric and my numbers will be a bit off being that I'm starting in April, but it will be fun to see what I can use before the end of the year.
Used this Week: 15 yardsUsed year to Date: 15 yardsAdded this Week: 0 yardsAdded Year to Date: 0 yards
Happy Stitching!! --Kristen