All year I've tried to finish the Schnibbles projects for the parade and only one other month have I actually had a project almost completed. I decided Monday to try again. I was just sure Carrie Nelson's Little Bites Drop project could possibly be finished by the last day of the month.
I decided to make Drop No. 3 which is definitely smaller (mine is 8 x 9-1/2 inches), and with some Christmas fabric it looks to be a favorite. There is a rhyme and reason to my setting of the blocks, they are diagonal by the outside triangles. I really enjoyed making this, and I cannot wait to get it quilted.
I had mentioned earlier this year that I had never made a log cabin block before. Guess what? I'm loving them. For some reason even though I have to do a lot of pressing in between, I just love adding the next piece. This is number 335 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Harvest Basket
First of all, I need to thank those of you who were kind enough to share a story about another mother who let a broken bone made me smile and realize that there is hope for me as a mother. :) My son has the brightest yellow cast you can imagine. He is already back at basketball practice and is taking it all in stride. I'm sure this is one of those times we will talk about years from now at Thanksgiving and hopefully laugh about.
This is one of the last baskets for the year and it is a bit different than most. I feel like I cheated as I machine appliqued the handle, but then I remembered that trying new techniques is not always a bad thing. This is number 334 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block.
I never know where I will find Benny and today he was a little too quiet even for him. When I found him I had to take a picture. This bag has a quilting project in it, and evidently he thought it was the perfect spot for a nap. It almost looks like I could take him shopping in this bag. Have a wonderful evening and Happy Stitching!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Four Knaves
Tonight's block was a fun one to piece and it makes a whole lot more sense than last night's block did. I still see no 9-patches in that one, and I have been looking at it all day trying to figure it out. I have finally given up.
I would love to make a large quilt with this block some day as I find it so interesting that looking at it now I see a cross around the outside of the block or an X when it is on point. As I was piecing this I only saw all the triangles. It is fun to notice the big picture after working so hard on the little parts. This is number 333 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
I would love to make a large quilt with this block some day as I find it so interesting that looking at it now I see a cross around the outside of the block or an X when it is on point. As I was piecing this I only saw all the triangles. It is fun to notice the big picture after working so hard on the little parts. This is number 333 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Leavenworth Nine Patch
This block makes absolutely no sense to me at all. You know me and my 9-patches, and I am just not seeing it here. Oh well, I am not going to dwell on it tonight. :)
This is number 332 of 366 and it is a 10-1/2 inch block. I sat and cried at the sewing machine tonight as I pieced this block..have you ever done that? I think it is a good thing I had this to work on as I needed somewhere to go to cry it all out. We found out my son has a broken arm today, and I am not as upset about that as I am that he broke it a week ago. He never complained that it hurt and he never said anything until last night. He gets a cast tomorrow and it should be interesting to see what color he comes home with. He thought maybe a candy cane cast would be good for this time of year. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 332 of 366 and it is a 10-1/2 inch block. I sat and cried at the sewing machine tonight as I pieced this block..have you ever done that? I think it is a good thing I had this to work on as I needed somewhere to go to cry it all out. We found out my son has a broken arm today, and I am not as upset about that as I am that he broke it a week ago. He never complained that it hurt and he never said anything until last night. He gets a cast tomorrow and it should be interesting to see what color he comes home with. He thought maybe a candy cane cast would be good for this time of year. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Monday, November 26, 2012
Mayflower and All 331 Blocks
I've already made one of these ship blocks, and I can confirm that because I went through all my blocks yesterday and made a nice stack. The good thing about this block is that it is cute and there are not a lot of would make an adorable quilt for a little boy. This is number 331 of 366 and it is an 8-inch block.
Now for the massive stack of quilt blocks. Ever since I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had all my quilt blocks stacked by our computer and the internet repair lady commented on them, I have received numerous requests to see the "stack." There was no way I was going to show you the pile the way it was because each night I would just put the last one finished on the top...and it was kind of messy. So I decided I would sort them all by size and see just how big this adventure has been.
Here they son helped me measure it and the entire pile is 26-1/2 inches tall. Most of the blocks are 9, 10, and 12 inches, but of course there are a lot of other "odd" sized blocks.
It was fun going through them all...and the last 35 will be put in their proper place. :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Now for the massive stack of quilt blocks. Ever since I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had all my quilt blocks stacked by our computer and the internet repair lady commented on them, I have received numerous requests to see the "stack." There was no way I was going to show you the pile the way it was because each night I would just put the last one finished on the top...and it was kind of messy. So I decided I would sort them all by size and see just how big this adventure has been.
Here they son helped me measure it and the entire pile is 26-1/2 inches tall. Most of the blocks are 9, 10, and 12 inches, but of course there are a lot of other "odd" sized blocks.
It was fun going through them all...and the last 35 will be put in their proper place. :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Turkey Tracks
I just realized there are 30 days until Christmas...YIKES. There is a lot to accomplish before that day, but I still have 30 days in which to do it. :) Power of positive thinking mixed with a lot of procrastination. I'm hoping to find some really good bargains tomorrow on Ciber Monday as I decided to skip Black Friday and Scary Saturday.
Here are my turkey tracks. They were fun to make and it was kind of odd that I actually made a turkey today. One thing about making a turkey is there are always yummy leftovers (enough for the whole week). This is number 330 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Peace and Plenty
Peace and Plenty is a great name for a block, especially when we have been reflecting on all the things we are thankful for this week.
This is number 329 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. I tried to do some shopping today, but when I walked into a store and the line to check out was all the way to the back of the store I turned around and walked out. I don't think there was any bargain there that was worth waiting for an hour to check out. Peace and plenty is definitely a good thing for me to think about this evening, Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 329 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. I tried to do some shopping today, but when I walked into a store and the line to check out was all the way to the back of the store I turned around and walked out. I don't think there was any bargain there that was worth waiting for an hour to check out. Peace and plenty is definitely a good thing for me to think about this evening, Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Spinning Arrows
I do not know where the time went today as it is suddenly very late, and I cannot even use the excuse of going shopping in the middle of the night, because I stayed home. It seems this time of year the clock and calendar work together to make me lose track of time. Somehow they speed up and I always feel like I have missed at least three days.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see a block differently after taking a photo. This time I can see the spinning arrows in the photo. Weird how that works. This is number 328 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. The evening was spent with my family watching the dog show, a movie, and having a fun dinner, which is exactly what the holidays should be, time spent together. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
It never ceases to amaze me when I see a block differently after taking a photo. This time I can see the spinning arrows in the photo. Weird how that works. This is number 328 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. The evening was spent with my family watching the dog show, a movie, and having a fun dinner, which is exactly what the holidays should be, time spent together. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Friday, November 23, 2012
Holiday Lane Blog Hop
It is time for the Holiday Lane Blog Hop and I am so excited to be participating. I had this brilliant idea to use wool instead of cotton fabric which I am glad I did, but it has been a little more difficult to work with than I thought it would be.

Once I found all the wool I wanted to use I realized there was no way I was going to be able to piece these houses and that I was going to have to applique them down. Ten minutes into the hand applique I discovered I was going to need to use the machine as it would take forever to finish this.
I soon got carried away with the embellishments and added a snowman as I love snow and what would the holidays be without one? And then there are the Christmas lights. :)
Here is a list of others participating in the Holiday Lane Blog Hop.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Stitching!! --Kristen

I still need to quilt mine and make it into a pillow, but I have really enjoyed this pattern from Jillily Studio.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Indian Mats
I had nightmares about last night's block. Sad isn't it...sleep disturbed after making a block. :) Might just have been that I spent a lot of time on it and then I was not satisfied with the way it turned out. Guess I just put a lot of me into each and every one. I'm actually so disturbed by it I'm considering making another one... ANYWAY, it is Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S. and I decided to get the block done early so I can enjoy the day with family.
I really like this block set on point. It is number 327 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. Now to get back to the kitchen for a little food prep and a fun afternoon. Of course I will be bringing some hand work along because what is a holiday without some sort of stitching? I am so thankful for each and every one of you who takes the time to visit, leave comments, and encourage me to continue this journey. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you are celebrating that today and Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
I really like this block set on point. It is number 327 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. Now to get back to the kitchen for a little food prep and a fun afternoon. Of course I will be bringing some hand work along because what is a holiday without some sort of stitching? I am so thankful for each and every one of you who takes the time to visit, leave comments, and encourage me to continue this journey. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you are celebrating that today and Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Indian Squares
I am not crazy about this block and I'm not sure why. It might be because it just kind of seems like too many parts of a lot of different blocks thrown together.
This is number 326 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block...only 40 left and thank heaven this isn't one of them (I think I've overdone it today, please excuse the sarcasm). :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 326 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block...only 40 left and thank heaven this isn't one of them (I think I've overdone it today, please excuse the sarcasm). :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Indian Maze
I've been looking at this block since 8 a.m., it is now 11:53 p.m. and wow, it has been a long day. I would look at it, set it aside, and then think of how in the world I was going to piece it together (this is one of those that a few instructions or words of wisdom would have been very helpful). I made it and with no doubt some major divine intervention. I say that because after all my planning, calculating, and thinking...imagine my surprise when I started piecing the rows and I realized the middle star is all Y seams.
This is number 325 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block with 85 pieces. I love this block, and I'm also pretty sure I will be making more...some day. :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 325 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block with 85 pieces. I love this block, and I'm also pretty sure I will be making more...some day. :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Monday, November 19, 2012
This block reminds me of lightning, and I think it would make a wonderful design on a quilt. It actually was very simple to piece.
This is number 324 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. We have one Christmas tree up and lit...I was a couple of strands short and when I quickly picked up the last two boxes of lights I didn't realize I had twinkle lights. Those two strands are now very carefully woven throughout the tree and they were just what it needed. Funny how my being in a hurry and too lazy to return them made the tree just right. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 324 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. We have one Christmas tree up and lit...I was a couple of strands short and when I quickly picked up the last two boxes of lights I didn't realize I had twinkle lights. Those two strands are now very carefully woven throughout the tree and they were just what it needed. Funny how my being in a hurry and too lazy to return them made the tree just right. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thanksgiving has crept up on me this year and I actually find it very surprising that it is this week. I will not be hosting the holiday this year, but we will be getting together with family. I love that even though everyone is so busy, at this time of the year people make an extra effort to see loved ones even if only for a few short hours.
This block is simple and sweet. It is number 323 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block. Happy Stitching!!
Indian Plume
I've been trying to post this for the last hour, but once again it seems we have had no internet. It seems to be working now so I'm going to try and finish as quickly as I can. This block was all half-square triangles and squares so of course it was a fun block to sew.
This number 322 of 266 and it is a 12-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This number 322 of 266 and it is a 12-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Arrow Crown
I have been looking at this block in another calendar for days. I admired it and loved the way it took on different designs. Imagine my surprise when suddenly this was the block for today. I will say this, I love this block, however, there should be a big warning on it that it takes a lot of time to complete.
Twice while working on this I looked at the clock and realized another hour had gone by so quickly I hadn't even noticed it. Was it worth it? You bet. It is not a block that is easily chain pieced because of all the pieces and the way they need to be put together. A person really needs to pay attention to the order in which they are sewn. This is number 321 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block with 81 pieces. Happy Stitching!!
Twice while working on this I looked at the clock and realized another hour had gone by so quickly I hadn't even noticed it. Was it worth it? You bet. It is not a block that is easily chain pieced because of all the pieces and the way they need to be put together. A person really needs to pay attention to the order in which they are sewn. This is number 321 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block with 81 pieces. Happy Stitching!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Indian Trails
It seems to me that I have made this block already at one point this year, although I think it was a different size. It may be a good idea for me to print out all my photos and catalog all the blocks with comments (favorites, okay, and definitely will never make again)...or I guess I could just type a little comment on the photo and leave them on my computer. :)
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Bear's Paw
This will probably be a lot like the sewing of this block, very quick. :) It actually only took 40 minutes to cut, piece, and press this block. It may be because there have been so many other "bear paw like" blocks this year. I don't care, I love half-square triangles.
This is number 319 of 366 and it is a 10-1/2 inch block. And like I said, short and sweet! Have a wonderful evening. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 319 of 366 and it is a 10-1/2 inch block. And like I said, short and sweet! Have a wonderful evening. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
So here is the block I have waited 318 days for...and I'm still as excited today about it as I was last January. There have been quite a few times when I have wondered if I was ever going to see this block, and a few times when I actually paged through trying to find it. I should have made it years ago, but I guess it just looked like it was too hard to piece..and honestly, after getting this far through the calendar, this one was fairly easy.
I am going to make a quilt with this block some day for my son, I had just better get going on it soon, or wait until he has children of his own. The best part about this block is the fact that it looks like it has a big square around the middle yellow square, but of course it doesn't. :) This is number 318 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
I am going to make a quilt with this block some day for my son, I had just better get going on it soon, or wait until he has children of his own. The best part about this block is the fact that it looks like it has a big square around the middle yellow square, but of course it doesn't. :) This is number 318 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Monday, November 12, 2012
Today's block is another simple one, and I've never seen this one made before which makes me like it. I decided to use the red, white, and blue theme for one last quilt block of the year. I'm hoping when I take all these blocks out I will have enough patriotic colored blocks to make a bed sized quilt for the "holidays" (that is the holidays with an American theme).
If I don't have enough for a quilt, I should have enough fabric to make a few extra blocks. I seriously have no idea right now what I do or don't have in what colors or sizes and I think that is half the fun of this project. This is number 317 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, I peaked a little and it is the block I have been waiting to make all year. I was getting to the point where I thought maybe I had seen it somewhere else, but I'm excited to say tomorrow is finally the day! :) Happy Stitching!!
If I don't have enough for a quilt, I should have enough fabric to make a few extra blocks. I seriously have no idea right now what I do or don't have in what colors or sizes and I think that is half the fun of this project. This is number 317 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, I peaked a little and it is the block I have been waiting to make all year. I was getting to the point where I thought maybe I had seen it somewhere else, but I'm excited to say tomorrow is finally the day! :) Happy Stitching!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Army Star
I decided to use patriotic fabric colors again for today's block in honor of Veteran's Day. It was a blustery day, but I hope all who have friends and family who serve in our military were able to find a way to enjoy it.
Yet another block I have never seen before. This is number 316 of 366 (yikes, only 50 to go!) and it is a 12-inch block.
This is the quilt I have been working on quilting this weekend...I got a little ahead of myself thinking I would actually have it finished today, but one can always hope.
These photos are not the best, but I will hopefully get some outdoor ones with better lighting when it is finally finished. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Yet another block I have never seen before. This is number 316 of 366 (yikes, only 50 to go!) and it is a 12-inch block.
This is the quilt I have been working on quilting this weekend...I got a little ahead of myself thinking I would actually have it finished today, but one can always hope.
These photos are not the best, but I will hopefully get some outdoor ones with better lighting when it is finally finished. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Sargeant's Chevron
This is the perfect block for Veteran's Day and it was very simple to piece. If you've ever done a log cabin block this is very similar, other than the fact that it is missing the other side of the log cabin.
This is number 315 of 366 and it is an 8-inch block. I spent a lot of today removing machine quilting from a quilt and then requilting it. Although the taking out was a pain, I'm so glad I did. The best part of all of it is I'm actually using some of the things I learned in that machine quilting class I took a while back. Now if I can just get it finished for the Stash Report...Happy Stitching and Veteran's Day!! --Kristen
This is number 315 of 366 and it is an 8-inch block. I spent a lot of today removing machine quilting from a quilt and then requilting it. Although the taking out was a pain, I'm so glad I did. The best part of all of it is I'm actually using some of the things I learned in that machine quilting class I took a while back. Now if I can just get it finished for the Stash Report...Happy Stitching and Veteran's Day!! --Kristen
Friday, November 9, 2012
Almanizer and A Mental Health Day
For about the last week I have been crabby, and I mean ugly crabby. I am usually a very happy person and it takes a lot for me to become crabby, but I have been. Yesterday when I was told I could take a vacation day today I jumped at it. A long time ago an older woman (she was probably the age I am now at the time, and at 16 I thought she was nearly geriatric) told me that every once in a while she would take a mental health day, and she would do something that really made her happy. We all laughed about it, but you know she was right. Sometimes a person just needs a day to something that is not stressful to forget all the junk that goes on.
The first thing I did was to finish my Halloween quilt so it is ready for next year. This pattern by The Wooden Bear is so easy it is just fun to do. Since I am not fond of spiders I only put one on there...and I pretend he is cute. :)
Next I decided I should work on another Christmas ornament for my all handmade ornament tree this year. I was a little worried at first about using black thread for a Christmas ornament, but after it was finished I really did like it. I only have 34 more to make (there are three patterns by Blackbird Designs for each month), and I think it is safe to say they all are not going to be finished this year, but maybe next.
Since it was still early in the day I decided I should try to figure out how big I am going to make my 9-patch quilt. I had thought I had all of the blocks done at 168 (I had made a few extra), but now I'm thinking I want it queen I made a few more from the strips I already had cut.
With another 19 finished I'm at 187 with a goal of 210. I also need to get the sashing cut and the 2-inch squares for the border. I think tomorrow I may try to lay out all the blocks and see what colors I need to add yet. I still have quite a bit of fabric left so I do have some choices.
Last, but certainly not least, I made the block for today. It is number 314 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. All in all I think my mental health day was a success, and I may even finish this posting before 11 p.m. Tomorrow will be another busy day, but I can smile thinking about all the fun I had today. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Cross Roads
I know I have never seen this block before, or if I have I don't recognize it. A person would think that at some point in time we would have seen them all, but I guess maybe not as there is always a way to put a new spin on an old block.
I actually think I might like it better on point, and I may just have to try that...tomorrow. This is number 313 of 366 and it is an 8-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
I actually think I might like it better on point, and I may just have to try that...tomorrow. This is number 313 of 366 and it is an 8-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Squares Upon Squares
And squares is right....there are a lot of them in this block and they are made with triangles which in a way is funny, but in the end all a person sees are the squares.
This is number 312 of 366 and it is a 10-inch square (block). :) I had a better day today as I had time to think about my day yesterday. I went to the doctor and he told me something I hadn't been planning on hearing and it kind of took me by surprise. Today is a new day though and it doesn't seem as bad as it had. At any rate I decided to take a little vacation time today and do something really important, like take a nap and do some laundry, which apparently was exactly what I needed. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Stitching!!
This is number 312 of 366 and it is a 10-inch square (block). :) I had a better day today as I had time to think about my day yesterday. I went to the doctor and he told me something I hadn't been planning on hearing and it kind of took me by surprise. Today is a new day though and it doesn't seem as bad as it had. At any rate I decided to take a little vacation time today and do something really important, like take a nap and do some laundry, which apparently was exactly what I needed. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Stitching!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Combination Star
Today was one of those deary, dark days where the bad news just kept coming. I decided I should use some happy colors for today's block to try and make up for all that bad news.
This is block number 311 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day! Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is block number 311 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day! Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Monday, November 5, 2012
Cats and Mice
I'm so glad I started early tonight because it has only taken me seven hours to get this posted. Boy does time fly when a person is having fun. This block was an easy one, and I keep coming up with different ideas on how to use it. It is definitely a quick stitch. :)
This is number 310 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. Only 56 left to go now, and the way my calendar is looking they are going to go quickly from here to the end. Not because the blocks are all easy, just because my calendar is full. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 310 of 366 and it is a 12-inch block. Only 56 left to go now, and the way my calendar is looking they are going to go quickly from here to the end. Not because the blocks are all easy, just because my calendar is full. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Sunday, November 4, 2012
It seems the more pieces a block has the more I like it, or maybe I should rephrase that. It seems if a block has a lot of pieces and it is easy to assemble I like it. :) This one has 64 pieces and amazingly I did not have to take anything apart.
I have big plans for this block. It kind of reminds me of a snowflake. I'm ready for some snow as I always figure if it is going to be cloudy and cold we might as well have some pretty white snow. This is number 309 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
I have big plans for this block. It kind of reminds me of a snowflake. I'm ready for some snow as I always figure if it is going to be cloudy and cold we might as well have some pretty white snow. This is number 309 of 366 and it is a 10-inch block. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Eddystone Light
There are times when I become very curious about the names of some of the blocks. Of course tonight was one of those nights. In my research I found a very famous lighthouse named Eddystone Lighthouse on a treacherous rock formation 14 miles out to sea southwest of the United Kingdom. I find this so interesting, and although I have no proof if this is the reason for the name of the block, I think it is fun to guess that it is.
This is number 308 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. We turn our clocks back tonight which is exciting for me as I get that hour of sleep back I have been missing ever since we sprang forward. :) Odd how all of a sudden we are "falling back" and trying to schedule the holidays with family which will be here before we know it. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 308 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. We turn our clocks back tonight which is exciting for me as I get that hour of sleep back I have been missing ever since we sprang forward. :) Odd how all of a sudden we are "falling back" and trying to schedule the holidays with family which will be here before we know it. Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Jack's Delight, Kristen's Fright
I'm not sure but I think there is something wrong with the cutting measurements for this one. I have made it twice and although this second one is better, I compensated and it is still off. I even went to the trouble of measuring my seam allowances and double checking before I cut. I'm so glad I am finally done with it.
This is number 307 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. On to the next one tomorrow, after some sleep. :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 307 of 366 and it is a 9-inch block. On to the next one tomorrow, after some sleep. :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Carrie Nation Quilt
Sometimes there is something so nice about simple and square. :) I do like this block and I think a person could do a lot with color placement and layout for a quilt with it.
This is number 306 of 366 and it is an 8-inch block. Tonight I was supposed to go to a quilting class, that is until I went to get in my car and realized I had a flat tire. If you knew the kind of month I've had you would just smile and say wow...which I did. I unloaded my car and brought everything back in the house. I was kind of feeling bad about missing the class, but instead of being away I spent the evening watching movies with my family and then time in the sewing room with my husband planning my new sewing station. I am so excited for him to start building my area which will be wonderful to use once it is finished. I had so much fun this evening that I hardly remembered I had missed anything at all, funny how that works isn't it? :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
This is number 306 of 366 and it is an 8-inch block. Tonight I was supposed to go to a quilting class, that is until I went to get in my car and realized I had a flat tire. If you knew the kind of month I've had you would just smile and say wow...which I did. I unloaded my car and brought everything back in the house. I was kind of feeling bad about missing the class, but instead of being away I spent the evening watching movies with my family and then time in the sewing room with my husband planning my new sewing station. I am so excited for him to start building my area which will be wonderful to use once it is finished. I had so much fun this evening that I hardly remembered I had missed anything at all, funny how that works isn't it? :) Happy Stitching!! --Kristen
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