Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter and FNSI

I was so happy the FNSI was the whole weekend long, although this time I actually got some major sewing done on Friday night.

The weather is absolutely atrocious here, nothing but wind and rain, so the lighting is poor and there is no hope for it getting better today.  I will hopefully post more photos tomorrow of the entire quilt top (that is if we get some sun!)  Enjoy your Easter Sunday no matter the weather.  Happy Stitching!!  --Kristen

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

We Have a Winner and Please Vote for Me

No, I'm not running for president, and actually this is more fun than voting for that (I don't talk politics period) so that is all that will be said on that matter.

I entered a pillow I made in the Nancy Zieman Pillow Design Challenge and I have to do something I absolutely hate, I have to ask for votes.  So, if you would like to check out all the fun entries and vote, you can find the link here.

My pillow is April Tulips, number 107, almost the last entry.  I decided to use blues, purples, and green.  I'm sure if there isn't a real blue tulip yet, there will be soon. All you need to do to vote is click the heart in the upper right hand corner.  It will turn red when your vote is counted...and you can vote for up to five, so you could make five people's day!  :)  No cheesy promises, no big speeches, just thank you from the bottom of my heart if you do vote for my pillow.

And now for the winner of the batiks fat quarter pack, it is Debra N!  I've sent her an email.  Thank you to everyone who left a comment, I read them all.  Happy Stitching!!  --Kristen

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Quilt Qwazy Queens Blog Hop

Two blog posts in two days, can you even believe it?  I had hand surgery recently and will be having another one soon, so my typing skills are less than great right now (my dear husband is helping).  Thank you Marian for putting this all together.  We have some great giveaways and discounts, so keep reading!

This blog hop is all about what quilting is to us, how we got started, a great accomplishment, or why it is important to us.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Pattern Testing

I finally got the go ahead to start using my hand now that I'm almost three months out from my surgery.  That is interesting, but I am SO happy to be back to stitching, albeit slow.  I was fortunate enough to be able to pattern test the new Bitty Bunnies pattern by Molly and Mama.

Isn't she cute?  She is so tiny, but fun and quick to make.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Nuts About Felt...

It is time for another blog hop, and today it is the "Nuts About..." Blog Hop.  What a fun one, as we can fill in whatever we want.  I am finding that I love working with felt, especially wool felt, and Valentine's Day is the perfect holiday to use it.

I used a wonderful pattern that you can find here.  I didn't add the sprinkles, and I used ribbon for my hangers.  It is always fun to add little changes to patterns to make them your own.

I've been missing in action for the last couple of months because of a hand surgery, and unfortunately won't be able to post for a while yet as I continue to recover.  I never realized just how much I love creating things with my hands, and how boring it is when you can't use them.

There are others who are participating today, and they would love for you to visit them.  There is also a giveaway, so make sure you enter, you just never know you may be the winner!

Thank you so much for visiting, hopefully it won't be long and I will be back to quilting, sewing, and doing all the things I love to do again soon!  Happy Stitching!!  --Kristen